Text Messages From HaShem

Think texting is new? Think again!  According to Wikipedia, RCA introduced telex in 1933. This was a switched network of teleprinters. It’s definitely not an “I-Phone”, no apps,  and Carrying this thing around in your back pocket wouldn’t be happening!



Beloved, Let’s go back even further. Let’s go back to Tetzaveh. Exodus 27:20-30:10. It’s in this very portion of Torah you will find the kind of texting HaShem  (The Name, of G-d) did. After the instruction of how The Children of Israel will have to keep themselves busy pressing olives for the Light, we are then told in detail how it is that Aaron and his sons are to be Consecrated with priestly garments. Every kohain (priest) who served wore these four garments: kesones (the shirt), michnasayim (the breeches), avnait (the belt), and the migba’as (the turban). These were all made of white linen.

The Kohain Gadol (High Priest) wore these as well, except his turban was different. He also wore the “golden garments”. These included, the me`il (the mantle), the aifod (ephod, or apron), the chosen (breastplate), and the tzitz (the headplate). Each of the garments attoned for a particular sin. 

The Coshen is also referred to as the Breastplate of Righteousness. It was woven from a 28 fold thread.  Made into a rectangle and was folded in the middle to form two perfect squares. This was worn over the High Priests heart, one layer above the other.  Between the two layers were the Urim and the ve’tumim.  This was the soul of the choshen.  The urim ve’tumim were scrolls of parchment on which Moses had written the “Divine Seventy Two Letter Name”.

The Urim ve’tumim caused the breastplate to “light up”. The letters supplied the Divine answer to questions that were posed to it. Urim, אורים, the letters lit up, (from the root אור, meaning light). The tumim, תומימ, their say was final and unalterable  (derived from the word תם, meaning perfect.

So the Breastplate of Righteousness became the final decision in a doubtful issue.  Only matters concerning the king or the entire group of the children of Israel. It was not permissible to question them for private purposes. The person who ask the question would come to the High Priest who was wearing the Urim ve’tumim. The High Priest would turn his face in the direction of ark (on which the Presence of G-d rested), and the questioner, standing behind him, would ask his question in a quiet voice (like the voice of someone praying). The High Priest was then inspired by the Ruach ha-Kodesh (Holy Spirit).  When he looked at the letters that lit up on the choshen (breastplate), he was able to combine them correctly and decipher HaShem’s reply.

The urim ve’tumim were consulted by the Children of Israel throughout the period of the T’nach (Old Testament). They ceased to function after the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

Another of HaShem’s way of communication with His People. According to the Midrash the Urim ve’tumim could also indicate when a transgression had taken place. When a sin was committed,  that Tribes precious gem dimmed.

The name that appears at the top of each square is the name of the stones for each tribe. English bibles translate these to actual gems,  but they are not certain. The choshen bore the names of the forefathers and the tribes. All the letters of the Alef-beit were included so that sentences could be constructed by combining letters transmitted by the urim ve’tumim.
Happy day!
💗 Hallelujah Girl
#TorahISTruth #ReadYourBible #ItsAllAboutYeshua

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